Arrests made over Hong Kong protests, legislature break-in

Steve Vick­ers, a for­mer head of crim­i­nal intel­li­gence for the Roy­al Hong Kong Police, pre­dict­ed a severe crack­down that will result in long jail terms.

I am per­son­al­ly sym­pa­thet­ic to the great major­i­ty of the Hong Kong demon­stra­tors and their moti­va­tion, but the hard­core ele­ments and agi­ta­tors involved are becom­ing increas­ing­ly des­per­ate,” said Vick­ers, who heads Steve Vick­ers and Asso­ciates, a polit­i­cal and cor­po­rate risk con­sul­tan­cy. Their actions are coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to many Hong Kong peo­ples’ gen­uine demo­c­ra­t­ic aspirations.”